NaturaLife Beauty Collagen powder contains bioactive collagen Verisol® (bovine raw material).
The bioactive collagen VERISOL® consists of special collagen peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. Collagen is one of the most important components of the skin because it makes up 80 percent of the connective tissue.
Scientific studies have examined the potential and effects of bioactive Verisol® collagen. Clinical studies indicate that improved skin elasticity and wrinkle reduction will be visible after four weeks of regular consumption of Verisol® collagen, and an optimal result is achieved after 8 weeks and remains visible for four weeks after discontinuation of collagen.
According to scientific studies, for optimal effect in reducing wrinkles, increasing elasticity and hydration of the skin, it is recommended daily to take 2.5 grams of Verisol® bioactive collagen.